Diamond Audio - Cutting Edge Harley Audio Technology
If you own a Harley-Davidson motorcycle, then you're going to want to hear what I have to say. I want to introduce you to the Diamond Audio product line, made specifically for Harley-Davidson motorcycles. It's not just another "me too" product; it's truly a step above, and it's made for your Harley-Davidson.
Let me tell you about some of the great features that you're going to want to compare. Diamond Audio features built-in wireless Android Auto and Apple CarPlay, while other companies require external devices. All Diamond Audio head units feature a built-in digital sound processor, while the others do not. Their attention to quality and detail is unmatched.
Let's take their speaker cutting kits, for example. While others do not put brass inserts in their speaker cutting kits, Diamond Audio does, which prevents the screws from stripping out when you're tightening down your speakers.
If you want high-quality sound for your Harley-Davidson, you're going to want to choose Diamond Audio. Whether you're looking to upgrade your whole system or just your amplifier and speakers, it's as easy as 1-2-3: pick your head unit, pick your amplifier, and pick your speakers to design a system specifically for your bike.
Call Lifestyle Cycles' online mega store, and one of our audio experts will design a system specifically for your needs and your bike. Or, go to Lifestyle Cycles online and shop our online mega store.